VulkanWindow | NVK Search
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VulkanWindow Structure specifying a clear attachment Syntax
win = new VulkanWindow();
win = new VulkanWindow(object);
Parameters Takes an object with the following properties: width The width of the window. height The height of the window. title The title of the window. Properties VulkanWindow.prototype.width Number The current width of the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.height Number The current height of the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.frameBufferWidth Number The window's framebuffer width. VulkanWindow.prototype.frameBufferHeight Number The window's framebuffer height. VulkanWindow.prototype.devicePixelRatio Number Pixel ratio of the current display device. VulkanWindow.prototype.title String The current title of the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.close Function Programmatically closes the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.focus Function Programmatically focuses the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.pollEvents Function Processes pending events. Put this call into your update/draw loop. VulkanWindow.prototype.shouldClose Function Indicates if the window is about to be closed. VulkanWindow.prototype.getRequiredInstanceExtensions Array[String] Array of strings containing required extensions for surface creation. You probably will use this in VkInstanceCreateInfo.prototype.ppEnabledExtensionNames VulkanWindow.prototype.createSurface FunctionObject Cross-platform way to create a surface. VulkanWindow.prototype.onfocus Function Event triggered when the window is focused/unfocues. VulkanWindow.prototype.onresize Function Event triggered when window is resized. VulkanWindow.prototype.onclose Function Event fired when the window closes. VulkanWindow.prototype.onmousedown Function Event fired when the user presses a mouse button inside the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.onmouseup Function Event fired when the user leaves a mouse button inside the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.onmousemove Function Event triggered when the user moves the mouse inside the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.onmousewheel Function Event triggered when the user scrolls with the mouse inside the window. VulkanWindow.prototype.onkeydown Function Event triggered when the user presses a key. VulkanWindow.prototype.onkeyup Function Event triggered when the user leaves a key. VulkanWindow.prototype.ondrop Function Event triggered when dragging files into the window. Gives an array of strings containing paths to the files.